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第19章 克隆(第3/4 页)

最新言情小说小说: 龙纹神医爆,秦女王是个夫管严大理寺少卿之女的快乐日常变成白毛妹纸被校花训成乖顺猫咪我这一挖!考古学家都懵了!什么?!我的功法活过来了?重生为学霸后她登上福布斯富豪榜娱乐圈,大佬只想摆烂喝醉后,我错撩了小奶狗弟弟病娇大佬太缠人:我一躲,他疯了!够撩!乖巧秘书让他上瘾失控汝汐的回忆录转世后,我成了王爷的药瘾嫡妹发癫抢亲,我送她一世活寡夜夜敲门,团宠小娇妻招架不住啦辰光里的静雅穿成首富女后她美美躺平了协议结婚后,被豪门老公宠上天她不追了后,霸总变成疯批缠上她禁地探险:我与麒麟瞎瞎来组队!

f the Tianyun sect himself? It was just one of his avatars?”

“How is this possible… just one of his avatars nearly killed the three godly monarchs. How terrifying is the sect master of the Tianyun sect…”

The most terrifying thing was none other than the two godly monarchs.

Their expressions were solemn as their bodies trembled.

“The one who fought us… was not his true body at all…”one of the godly monarchs lamented.

They had never expected that the sect master of the Heavenly Cloud sect would use a avatar to force them to such an extent!

More importantly, they had lost a godly monarch!

“It seems that Sima bei is not exaggerating,”said a godly monarch in a low voice.

“Fortunately, the sect master of the Heavenly Cloud sect is not on the cultivation mountain. Otherwise…”

The consequences were unimaginable! It was likely that all three of them would die here!

“It’s not good to stay here for long. No one kno




